Sunday, December 30, 2007 |
uncle brian's hat |
i think i'm switching back to smaller photos. i can't make up my mind.

posted by MH @ 10:11 AM  |
Sunday, December 23, 2007 |
standing on v |
this morning, v & i put these little alphabet books she has into order by singing the song and she would tell me what came next, then find the right book, and put it next in line. then she matched up her pig with the pig on the p book and we went from there, finding things that could go on a letter until she was tired of the game. lots of fun!

 she's standing on the v. |
posted by MH @ 11:58 AM  |
snow images |
snow images i like on flickr.

1. Snow in Kup,Kup Land., 2. finch trying to keep warm, 3. Park Bench in Snow, 4. red chapel, 5. Snow shack, 6. A Walk in the Snow, 7. which way do i go?, 8. A Snow Heart For You :) xoxox, 9. snow dog, 10. Thanksgiving Snow, 11. snow monsters come out to play, 12. April Snow in Red Square, 13. last nights snow, 14. Snow Leopard, 15. Fat Pony in Snow, 16. spring snow on barberry |
posted by MH @ 11:56 AM  |
epic edits weblog |
there's another photography website i have found recently and really like, epic edits weblog. brian does a weekly photodump of photos that he likes from his flickr group - and he chose two of my pictures for this week.
one is the fifth row, second one from left. the other is the sixth row, third from left. |
posted by MH @ 4:40 AM  |
Saturday, December 22, 2007 |
i won i won i won! |
i won a contest! there are a million of them out there on the internet every day. but i have to say, if i was going to win one, this one is perfect for me.
i won a year's free flickr pro account from all day i dream about photography. if you're into photography, you should definitely be reading adidap. i found the site about two weeks ago and i'm slowly working my way through the archives. sites like this make me realize just how much i have yet to learn (but in a good way).
and i do dream about photography all day, pretty much (you know, in the midst of playing duplos and keeping v from squishing the cats when she hugs them). so thanks antoine, this was great news to wake up to! |
posted by MH @ 5:36 AM  |
baby, it's cold outside |
she doesn't care - she loves to be out!
posted by MH @ 9:22 AM  |
Thursday, December 13, 2007 |
one more from earlier |
couldn't resist.
posted by MH @ 3:59 PM  |